Email marketing is a very important sales and branding tool when engaging existing and prospective customers. When you think about the number of emails that land in your inbox every day, it’s important to develop smart strategies that get you noticed and more importantly gets your emails opened! We have put together ten tips to help you develop an engaging subject lines that will assist in breaking through the clutter. These include;
- Personalisation – Building a rapport and catering to each customer on a personal level can show you understand that no two customers are the same. Email marketing services have made it easier to collect personalised information to use at your disposal, such as; names, location, occupation etc.
- Curiosity – aligning cryptic subject lines with your brand prompts action, which eventuates into high engagement and open rates. Example: Apartment Therapy: “Why You Should Keep Your Clothes in the Freezer.”
- Offers – Discounts and freebies! Customers love new things and experiences and are more likely to open if there is something that entices them.
- FOMO – ‘the fear of missing out’ – a powerful motivator encouraging high click through rates as customers act on a sense of urgency. Cautiously use these and only when the time calls for immediate action.
- Never use ‘no-reply’ – Using a ‘no reply’ email address (noreply@email.com.au) is seen as impersonal and robotic, more likely to be seen as spam.
- Social Proof – using statistics and numbers, forming social proof can occasionally change an individual’s behaviour according to what other people are doing.
Example: Inc: “18 Habits Highly Successful People Have (And the Rest of Us Probably Don’t)” - Emojis – emojis have quickly become a powerful communication tool, using emojis in subject lines is an easy way to convey emotions and approachability when strapped for space. Example: BuzzFeed News: “Instagram will let you mute your friends’ baby pics � ”
- DON’T USE ALL CAPS or abuse exclamation marks!!!! – 85% of individuals surveyed prefer subject lines to be all-lowercase, according to a study by the Radicati Group. Using all caps and exclamation marks can be ensure your message is overlooked as its disruptive and looks like spam.
- Pose a question – posing a compelling question, especially when targeted to your list can be encouraging while also a bit competitive. Posing the right question can lead to higher engagement rates, however posing the wrong question can see you being overlooked, even unsubscribed.
- Be Funny – your customers gets emails all day every day, and most of them are ordinary and too familiar. Understanding your audience is important and humour is a great way to be engaging and memorable. However, ensure it resonates and not alienates. Example: The Bouqs Company: “Pow-pop-boom-crackfsss” (Note: This was for a 4th of July sale.)
Email marketing is a cost effective way to keep customers engaged with your brand. At Infodec Communications we consistently achieve well above industry average open rates by developing engaging, newsworthy and persuasive content. Contact us today if you’d like to know more about improving your email marketing strategy.