Since the introduction to Siri (Apple), voice communication has been a progressive trend with new and advanced software developments introducing us to a range of voice activated search engine assistants such as, Alexa (Amazon), Google home (Google) and Cortana (Microsoft).
Voice activated search engines are reliant on a question and answer relationship. New content formats can be adapted to focus on providing briefer, more straightforward answers that are relevant to your product or service.
When developing and writing new content to be optimised for voice activated search engines, several takeaways can be applied:
Rich, Pertinent Content
Your content should be succinct and full of information. It should also be based on sound structure, for example, the use of headings and dot points are potentially easier for voice artificial intelligence systems to pick up – rather than lengthy, rambling paragraphs.
Short condensed sentences that answer a question are also relevant because people like a quick fix to an answer, especially the younger generations growing up with so much knowledge available at the touch of a button.
Try Reading Content Aloud
Reading content out loud can assist with understanding whether the question is being answered. Dancing between the human language and the language understandable to bots can be difficult so it is important to embrace natural language and imagine conversing in real life.
It is also important to pace content delivery to suit a listener, not just a reader.
Don’t Over Optimise
It can be easy to over optimise content when writing text that is suitable for voice activated search engines. The approach should include rich, substantial information that is a pleasure to absorb, but that content should be presented it in a structured setting.
Too much focus on optimisation could lead to
your site being classified as a ‘doorway site’. Doorway sites or pages are
targeted to answer one specific query and are designed for search engines rather
than human beings, with awkward keyword-stuffed content.
However, algorithms now give doorway pages a low value due to the paucity of information
provided. Keeping content relevant and substantial is better for search engine optimisation
and the validity of your site.
Structure is the key to creating considered content that is easily accessed by voice activated search engines.
Infodec Communications can help you with succinct, engaging content that can take your site from sitting on the internet with millions of others to being read out by Siri, Alexa and more. The results will help you build trust and encourage business awareness and recognition.
Get in touch today to find out more.